Actions and Conditions Editor
The Actions and Conditions Editor allows you to configure control events. To open the Actions and Conditions Editor, select a control and click on the events in the Properties window.

There are several areas here in which various events of the control can be configured:
- Framework: This covers events that are triggered from the system and concerns the life cycle of the control (init, attach, detach, destroy) as well as changes of size (resize) or movements (moved).
- Operator: These are events that are triggered by the operator, for example click, double-click.
- Control: Many controls trigger events. These are, for example, a change in a state symbol of a button or the time at which the loading of an image was completed.
- Custom: Further events are possible here. Here, any icon can be entered or selected from the context menu. If its value changes, an action is executed. The configuration of TwinCAT Speech events is also possible here.
Clicking the Edit icon (pen) opens the Actions and Conditions Editor for the event associated with the selected control.

The actions are listed in the left part of the editor. The right part is a graphic editor into which the actions can be moved by dragging and dropping.
The toolbox is divided into different categories:
- General: General actions and conditions that are not directly assigned to a control.
- Selected Control: Properties of the selected control that can be changed during runtime.
- Controls (in scope): All available controls on the same HMI side as the control. The properties of the control that can be changed during runtime are listed below the control.
- Controls (Out of scope): The controls that are not on the same HMI side as the control.
- Functions: Various functions that can also be used within the editor.
- Action Templates: Defined templates for actions that can be reused.
You can perform the following actions in the Actions and Conditions Editor:
Add an Action Template
Edit an Action Template
Delete an Action Template
Copy an Action Template
Expand/collapse folder