Machine parameters
The machine parameters are required to define the machine. Parameters that need to be adjusted for each machine can be entered here. These parameters are persisted in the background by the System Engineering Extension. When the TwinCAT 3 HMI server is started, the parameters are written to the PLC. This allows for quick and easy commissioning or maintenance of the individual areas of the machine.

There is a search bar at the top of the control that can be used to search for machine parameters. The locations found are highlighted in yellow. Entries that do not match the search are hidden.
The name defined in the PLC using attributes ('TcHmiSystemEng.Parameter.Name') is used as the Symbolname. In addition, the symbol path within the PLC and an info text ('TcHmiSystemEng.Parameter.Info') are displayed. The symbol path can be hidden via an attribute on the control.
The current values of the variables within the PLC are displayed in the Value column.
Prepared Value
The corresponding variables can be prepared for a change in Prepared Value. By clicking the Edit button, the required control is loaded and pre-initialized with the current value. The pre-initialization function can be disabled on the control via an attribute. If it is a value with Min ('TcHmiSystemEng.Parameter.Min) and/or Max ('TcHmiSystemEng.Parameter.Max) values, these are validated during input. The limits are also displayed on the input control.
The Apply button can be used to write the values defined in Prepared Value to the PLC. This can be done individually using the corresponding button in the same line or collectively using the Apply all button.
History is only available in connection with the Audit Trail Extension. All changes to the value from the HMI to the PLC are logged here. You can use the History button to view the change history for the corresponding variable.