
Controls 1:

Show all

In the Show all area, all symbols available in the control are displayed in a large list. This makes it easier to search for symbols whose exact nesting is unclear.

No changes

The No changes tab changes its text as soon as symbols for writing a new value are available. It shows a list of all symbols that have been prepared for writing to the PLC

Import symbols

Import symbols can be used to re-insert the machine parameters from an export file.

Export symbols

Export symbols exports all current values of the symbols persisted in the extension to a JSON file. This can be used to insert default parameters in standard machines or to save the current machine status.

Config runtime

Config runtime shows which runtime is accessed in the System Engineering Extension.

Update PLC symbols

Clicking on Update PLC symbols triggers a reload of the configuration. This is necessary if no automatic update has been enabled in the background. If the structure in the PLC is changed, this does not automatically lead to an adjustment of the data in the control. During the update, an overlay opens to display the current status of the update.


The navigation, which is automatically generated by attributes in the PLC, is located in the lower area. You will see a lock next to the name if the appropriate authorization has been granted. You can use the lock to configure the authorization of the user groups for the individual symbols.

    {attribute 'TcHmiSystemEng.Parameter.Name'                 := 'Machine'}
    {attribute 'TcHmiSystemEng.Parameter.TreeViewImage'        := 'Portal/normal.svg'}    
    fbMachine                     : FB_MachineUnit;

The lock on the right-hand side of the navigation is used to set the read and write authorization. Clicking opens a pop-up for the corresponding level with its symbols. This setting can be enabled or disabled for the relevant users via the user management.