
The extension makes it possible to generate events (alarms and messages) in the HMI server depending on conditions. The EventGrid Control and the EventLine Control can be used to display current or historical events from the Alarm Extension.

TcHmiAlarm Extension

The TcHmiAlarm Extension must be installed via the NuGet Packages.

Alarm 1:


The Alarm Extension can be configured in the TwinCAT HMI Configuration tool window.

For both options, the Server Symbol must be mapped beforehand.
1. Select the mapped symbol and right-click on it.
2. In the menu, select New Alarm Setting .
Alarm 2:
A dialog box appears in which the alarm can be configured.
Alarm 3:

Alarm configuration: Setting options


Name of the Alarm Setting

Text (key)

Localized text (see Localization)


Severity level

Notification Type

Event type (message, alarm with confirmation, alarm)

Interval (symbol)

Interval applies to all alarm settings per symbol.


Condition for triggering the alarm

Add new Alarm Settings to the symbol

The Alarm Symbols menu entry is selected.
1. Right-click to add new Alarm Settings for the symbol.
Alarm 4:
2. If necessary, edit the created Alarm Settings by double-clicking or right-clicking on the respective entry.
Alarm 5:
The settings are saved by clicking the OK button.


Localizations for the Alarm Extension can be imported and stored in the alarms so that the message texts are automatically changed when the language is changed.

1. To do this, click Localization > Add > New Item.
Alarm 6:
Alarm 7:
2. Enable the following settings:
Alarm 8:
Additional keys with their own messages in different languages can be added.
Alarm 9:
3. Link these via <Create data binding> in the alarm settings.
Alarm 10: