If reauthentication is required to write the symbol, a window opens for a new login process. If other server extensions are available for user management, these are displayed in another drop-down menu.

- Selection of the user.
- Confirmation by password.
Previous Value and New Value
- Display of the old value and the new value.
Entering a change comment
If a comment is expected when the symbol is written, a window for entering this comment opens. Depending on the configuration, a minimum comment length is required here.

Previous Value and New Value
- Display of the old value and the new value.
- Enter a change comment.
Reauthentication with comment
If reauthentication and the entry of a comment is required, a window for logging in again and entering a comment will open. If further Server Extensions are available for user management, these are displayed in a further drop-down menu. Depending on the configuration, a minimum length is required for the comment.

- Selection of the user.
- Confirmation by password.
Previous Value and New Value
- Display of the old value and the new value.
- Enter a change comment.