TcHmiAsyncLogger Class

Provides an asynchronous logger to send and localize Messages.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  TcHmiSrv.Core.General
Assembly:  TcHmiSrvExtNet.Core (in TcHmiSrvExtNet.Core.dll) Version:



public static class TcHmiAsyncLogger





TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 1:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 2:

Localize(String, .String.)

Localizes a Message with the specified name and parameters.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 3:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 4:

Localize(Context, String, .String.)

Localizes a Message with the specified Context, name and parameters.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 5:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 6:

Localize(ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost, Context, String, .String.)

Localizes a Message with the specified ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost, Context, name and parameters.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 7:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 8:

LocalizeAsync(String, .String.)

Localizes a Message with the specified name and parameters as an asynchronous operation.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 9:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 10:

LocalizeAsync(Context, String, .String.)

Localizes a Message with the specified Context, name and parameters as an asynchronous operation.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 11:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 12:

LocalizeAsync(ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost, Context, String, .String.)

Localizes a Message with the specified ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost, Context, name and parameters as an asynchronous operation.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 13:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 14:

Send(Severity, String, .String.)

Sends a Message with the specified name, Severity and parameters.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 15:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 16:

Send(Context, Severity, String, .String.)

Sends a Message with the specified Context, name, Severity and parameters.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 17:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 18:

Send(ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost, Context, Severity, String, .String.)

Sends a Message with the specified ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost, Context, name, Severity and parameters.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 19:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 20:

SendAsync(Severity, String, .String.)

Sends a Message with the specified name, Severity and parameters as an asynchronous operation.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 21:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 22:

SendAsync(Context, Severity, String, .String.)

Sends a Message with the specified Context, name, Severity and parameters as an asynchronous operation.

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 23:

TcHmiAsyncLogger Class 24:

SendAsync(ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost, Context, Severity, String, .String.)

Sends a Message with the specified ITcHmiSrvExtAsyncHost, Context, name, Severity and parameters as an asynchronous operation.


TcHmiSrv.Core.General Namespace