The Properties of the Slave

The Properties of the Slave 1:

Settings on the property page of the slave

These values can be used as initial specifications when the graphic window is first displayed.

The current values in the diagram can be adjusted in the respective graphic window with the command Adjust extreme values The Properties of the Slave 2:.



Rounding value

Rounds the slave positions in the graphical input with the specified value.


The Export button can be used to store the slave values in a line in an ASCII file in the form master and slave position. The master position increment is specified in the master's property page.


The Import button can be used to import files in the form just described. The values can then be displayed as cubic splines. The type of the spline still needs to be adjusted in the table, according to the values.


The Download button can be used to transfer the current data to the NC, as long as the slave is not coupled, since the tables are deleted completely and refilled with data.


The Upload button can be used to upload the function information from the NC. Existing data are deleted entirely, and the NC data can be manipulated in the table as well as in the graphic.

Table ID

The Table Id provides a unique identifying number (1-4095) for the table, with the aid of which the table data is stored in the NC.

The Properties of the Slave 3:

When uploading cyclic data, the period length of the master must match that of the loaded data. The master can be set to linear (non-cyclic) for direct data checking.

Table ID

The table ID can be changed by right-clicking the slave in the tree view and selecting the command Change ID.

The Properties of the Slave 4:

The option Save Slave... can be used to save the motion diagram data in an export file (*.xti). This data can be imported again under a master.