The Properties of the Master

On the property page of the master, the minimum and maximum of the master position can be set.

The Properties of the Master 1:


The Normed checkbox can be used to choose between the normalized display and a physical display that shows the velocities, accelerations and jerk of the slaves as a function of time. The normalized display refers these displays to the master position.


For the physical representation the velocity of the master is required. First, a distinction is made between a linear axis and a rotary axis (values are given as angles in degrees). The choice between linear and rotary axis determines the table type – linear or cyclic – for transferring the data to the numerical control (NC).

For a rotary Master, the first and second derivatives at the end are set equal to the corresponding figures at the start of the motion cycle, if the start and end positions of the slave correspond to the minimum and maximum positions of the master.


The Position table function is used to select the tables with the table values (master value, slave value) at a defined distance from the master values (increment).

The Increment function defines the increment of the master position for outputting the tables to a file. If an equidistant table is to be generated, the total length (the actual maximum minus the minimum) should be divisible by the increment. When the configuration is activated, the information for creating and transferring the tables with this increment to the NC is generated automatically.

Motion Function can be used to transfer the complete slave information to the NC. This means that only the edge points of the segments and the corresponding information, such as the law of motion, are loaded into the NC. The NC then calculates the corresponding slave values (position, velocity and acceleration) for the current master position during runtime. Past problems that had their origin in the discretization of the data in the table essentially no longer exist.

The Properties of the Master 2:

Functionalities such as special motion laws that are not yet available in the NC are marked in red in the cam plate editor. These may not be selected.

The Rounding Value rounds the master position in the graphic input with the given value.

Importing slaves

The Properties of the Master 3:

Saving and exporting slaves

The Properties of the Master 4:
1. Right-click the slave in the tree view and select Save slave 1 as.
2. Save the file as an export file (*.xti).
The data can be imported via the tree view under Master.