
The Valve Diagram Editor function is included in the XAE of TwinCAT, therefore no additional download of a software module is necessary. A license is required to save a valve diagram in a project file. See "Ordering and activation of TwinCAT 3 standard licenses".

Valve diagrams that have already been created in a project cannot be changed; however, they remain in the project. A license is only required on workstations on which valve diagrams are designed or changed.

If no license is available on the workstation, a message appears the first time a new project is created, which you have to confirm:

Licensing 1:

Required licenses:

TE1500 Valve Diagram Editor

This license is an engineering license and must be activated on the engeneering system. For testing purposes, a demo mode simulation can be used without a license.

Restrictions in the demo version

The valve diagrams generated without a license can be loaded into the XAR. However, they are ignored when the project is saved.