Configuring the System Manager
To configure the project, create a TcCOM object in the System Manager with the inputs and outputs of the FMU according to the following scheme:
Creating the SimIoMaster module
- 1. Right-click on TcCOM Objects in the System Manager.
- 2. Select Add New Item....
- 3. Select SimIoMaster under Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG > Simulation Modules.
- The SimIOMaster is inserted.
Creating a SimIoGroup module
Add the SimIoGroups under the SimIoMaster.
- 1. Right-click on the SimIoMaster module you have created.
- 2. Select Add New Item....
- 3. Select SimIoGroup under Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG > Simulation Modules.
- 4. Under each SimIoGroup, you define the inputs and outputs of the FMU.
- You must create at least one group, but you can add as many groups as you need. The SimIoGroups can be structured as required.
Creating a symbol using the example of an axis
A variable is added to the SimIOGroup below:
- 1. Right-click on Outputs of the created SimIoGroup module.
- 2. Select Add New Item....
- 3. For example, select NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF.
- 4. Confirm with the OK button.
- In the next step, you must assign a task to the SimIoMaster module.
- 5. To do this, create a new task under SYSTEM > Tasks.
- Once you have created the axis in the next step, you can link the variable.
Example of creating an axis
- 1. Left-click on the Motion node.
- 2. Select Add New Item....
- 3. Select NC/PTP NCI Configuration.
- 4. Confirm with OK.
- 5. Right-click on Axes.
- 6. Select Add New Item... here too.
- 7. Confirm with OK.
- The axis has been created.
- Next, the axis parameters can be linked to the variable already created in the SimIoGroup
Signal linking
- 1. Left-click on Var 1.
- 2. Select Change Link....
- 3. Select under MOTION > NC task 1 SAF > Axes > Axis 1 ToPlc
- 4. Confirm with OK.
- The link has been created.
Creating a task
- 1. Right-click on Tasks.
- 2. Select Add New Item....
- 3. Then select a TwinCAT task.
- 4. Confirm with OK.
- The task was created.
Assigning the task
- 1. Left-click on the SimIoMaster module.
- 2. Select Context Tab
- 3. Use the Task drop-down menu to assign the previously created task to the SimIoMaster module.
- The FMU is now ready for export.