Configuring the System Manager

To configure the project, create a TcCOM object in the System Manager with the inputs and outputs of the FMU according to the following scheme:

Creating the SimIoMaster module

1. Right-click on TcCOM Objects in the System Manager.
2. Select Add New Item....
3. Select SimIoMaster under Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG > Simulation Modules.
Configuring the System Manager 1:
The SimIOMaster is inserted.
Configuring the System Manager 2:

Creating a SimIoGroup module

Add the SimIoGroups under the SimIoMaster.

1. Right-click on the SimIoMaster module you have created.
2. Select Add New Item....
3. Select SimIoGroup under Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG > Simulation Modules.
Configuring the System Manager 3:
4. Under each SimIoGroup, you define the inputs and outputs of the FMU.
You must create at least one group, but you can add as many groups as you need. The SimIoGroups can be structured as required.

Creating a symbol using the example of an axis

A variable is added to the SimIOGroup below:

1. Right-click on Outputs of the created SimIoGroup module.
Configuring the System Manager 4:
2. Select Add New Item....
3. For example, select NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF.
4. Confirm with the OK button.
In the next step, you must assign a task to the SimIoMaster module.
5. To do this, create a new task under SYSTEM > Tasks.
Once you have created the axis in the next step, you can link the variable.

Example of creating an axis

1. Left-click on the Motion node.
2. Select Add New Item....
3. Select NC/PTP NCI Configuration.
4. Confirm with OK.
5. Right-click on Axes.
6. Select Add New Item... here too.
7. Confirm with OK.
The axis has been created.
Next, the axis parameters can be linked to the variable already created in the SimIoGroup

Signal linking

1. Left-click on Var 1.
Configuring the System Manager 5:
2. Select Change Link....
3. Select under MOTION > NC task 1 SAF > Axes > Axis 1 ToPlc
4. Confirm with OK.
The link has been created.

Creating a task

1. Right-click on Tasks.
2. Select Add New Item....
3. Then select a TwinCAT task.
4. Confirm with OK.
The task was created.

Assigning the task

1. Left-click on the SimIoMaster module.
2. Select Context Tab
3. Use the Task drop-down menu to assign the previously created task to the SimIoMaster module.
Configuring the System Manager 6:
The FMU is now ready for export.
Configuring the System Manager 7: