
The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) is a free standard for exchanging or coupling simulation models created with different simulation tools. This is often the case when the models are provided by different suppliers or domain-specific simulation tools are used to simulate the different aspects of a machine or plant. A simulation tool that supports FMI allows a model to be exported or imported as a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU).

The TwinCAT 3 Simulation Runtime for FMI enables the coupling between TwinCAT 3 and another tool with FMI import function (FMI importer tool). This allows you to export a TwinCAT 3 configuration with the TwinCAT Usermode Runtime as an FMU. This can then be executed in any tool with an FMI import function. Execution takes place in Usermode context, i.e. not in real-time. The calculations of the FMI importer tool and TwinCAT 3 are synchronized.

For example, the FMI importer tool can be a tool for the physical modeling of a machine. Software-in-the-loop simulations (SiL simulations) can be carried out by coupling with the TwinCAT 3 Simulation Runtime for FMI. SiL simulations are tests in which the control software is tested in an emulated environment (Usermode Runtime). For example, functional tests can be carried out on the PLC code or various operating scenarios can be tested using a simulation model.