Two licenses are required to use the full functionality of the TE1420 TwinCAT Target for FMI. On the one hand, the TE1420 engineering license for creating TwinCAT objects from an FMU and, on the other hand, a runtime license for executing these objects during the TwinCAT runtime.
Engineering license
The license TE1420 Target for FMI is required for the engineering system to create TcCOM and PLC function blocks from FMUs. Licensing is therefore carried out exclusively on the Engineering system.
There is no 7-day trial license available for this product. |
Runtime license
The TF1420 license is required to start a TwinCAT configuration with a TwinCAT object generated from an FMU. Without activated license, the module and consequently the TwinCAT system cannot be started. The TF1420 license is an extension of the C++ runtime licenses and therefore requires a TC1300 or a TC1210 with included PLC license as basic requirement.