'Build' tab

You can configure the build settings under the Build tab.

'Build' tab 1:

Run the publish step after project generation

Selection whether only the code should be generated or the tmx driver should also be built for the selected platforms.

Platform Toolset

Selection of the Visual Studio toolset used for building.

Build configuration

Selection of the build configuration (debug/release).

TwinCAT RT(x86)

Creating a tmx driver for the TwinCAT RT(x86) platform.

TwinCAT RT(x64)

Creating a tmx driver for the TwinCAT RT(x64) platform.

TwinCAT OS(x64)

Creating a tmx driver for the TwinCAT OS(x64) platform.

Certificate name for TwinCAT signing

TwinCAT certificate name to be used for signing the generated tmx driver.

tmx Archive

Name of a tmx archive that can be used for sharing the tmx files.