TC ADS Sync Read

The block "TC ADS Sync Read" provides read access to TwinCAT ADS variables. You can find this block beneath the subfolder "Synchronous" of the Beckhoff ADS Library inside the "Simulink Library Browser".

TC ADS Sync Read 1:

Block input ports


The target AMS NetId


The target ADS Port


The target ADS Index Group


The target ADS Index Offset

Block output ports


The value, read from the ADS variable


Boolean flag signaling an actual ADS error


The ADS error code

Block parameters

TC ADS Sync Read 2:

Block sample time

The Simulink block sample time, which is the ADS request interval (referred to the Simulink time but not to the real time)

Abort simulation on ADS error

Stop simulation at the first ADS error

Data type

The data type of the Data output signal, which should be the data type of the transmitted ADS variable

Data width

The width of the Data output signal. Use values greater than 1 to transmit arrays.

ADS timeout

Simulink will wait on a response of the last ADS request until this time span is exceeded (in each time step)

Direct feed through

Evaluate the input values in the output method of the block. This ensures, that the values at the output ports in the current time step belong to the ADS parameters at the input ports of the same time step. Otherwise the output values belong to the input ADS parameters of the previous time step. Activating this option can significantly slow down the simulation.

Create signal labels

Signal labels are created for the signal lines, connected to the output ports

Code generation

Code generation is not supported. The reason is, that synchronous ADS communication requires to wait for the ADS responses. Due to nondeterministic ADS response times, this could lead to big jitter and cycle time exceeding in real time applications. Use asynchronous ADS blocks for use in real time applications instead.