TC ADS Symbol Interface
The block "TC ADS Symbol Interface" provides synchronous read and write access to a TwinCAT ADS symbols. You can find this block beneath the subfolder "Synchronous" of the Beckhoff ADS Library inside the "Simulink Library Browser".
Block input and output ports
The number of ports and the data types of the ports depend on the block configuration. There are no fix input or output ports.
Block parameters
ADS symbols |
Define the input and output ports of the Simulink block. You can use the target browser to search for ADS symbols and put the symbols to the symbol list of the desired transmit direction. This can be done via the appropriate buttons of the target browser or via Drag and Drop. |
General Simulink block settings |
Block sample time |
The Simulink block sample time, which is the ADS request interval (referred to the Simulink time but not to the real time) |
Code generation
Code generation from models using this block is supported for the TwinCAT Target. The generated TwinCAT module gets additional Data Areas (Process Images), which contain the input and output variables of the Simulink block.