
DSP System Toolbox™ AVX2 code replacement library

The DSP System Toolbox™ AVX2 code replacement library requires the TwinCAT.XAE.PublicSDK >4.9.0 and is therefore limited to TwinCAT 3.1. Build 4026.

SIMD for Arm®64 platforms

Neon instruction sets are only supported on MATLAB® R2024a. For R2014a, you must install the „Embedded Coder Support Package for Arm® Cortex®-A Processors“ package via the MATLAB® Add-on Explorer (for Beckhoff Embedded PCs CX82xx and CX9240). From MATLAB® R2024b, it is no longer necessary to install the package separately.

Quick reference guide

1. Set the Device vendor and Device type to Arm® Compatible and Arm® Cortex®-A (64-bit) to generate the code specific for Beckhoff Embedded PCs CX82xx and CX9240.
Restrictions 1:
2. Select „Neon v7“ as hardware instruction set extensions and activate „Optimize reductions“.
Restrictions 2:
3. Only select TwinCAT OS (Arm®V8-A) as the build platform.
Restrictions 3:
You can use this configuration to compile the Simulink® model.
Restrictions 4:

Ne10 Code Replacement Library

Currently not yet supported.


If Reusable code and GenerateAllocFcn=off are recognized, the Single Instance Limitation is activated. GenerateAllocFcn is set to off by default.