The following step-by-step instructions apply equally to the use of TcCOM objects and function blocks created with Target for MATLAB®. The following shows the debugging for a PLC function block.
- Step-by-step procedure:
- 1. Make sure that your TwinCAT application has been activated with the C++ debugger enabled.
- 2. Open the TwinCAT C++ project created during code generation that belongs to the module you want to debug.
- You specified the project location when initializing the project export configuration, see Overview of automatically generated files.
- You can open the Visual Studio project directly, or add it to your TwinCAT solution under C++ with "Add existing Item".
- 3. In the MATLAB® folder in the Visual Studio solution, view the subfolders that bear the name of the MATLAB® function created.
- In the Sources sub-folder, you can find the executed code generated by MATLAB Coder™.
- 4. Select Debug > Attach to Process in the menu bar and select "TwinCAT XAE" as Connection Type and your desired target system under Connection target. Then select Attach.
- 5. Set breakpoints in your C++ code and step through your code as usual.