Why can the values transferred via ADS differ from values transferred via output mapping?

Transfer of the results for "minor time steps'

Depending on the configured processing sequence of the module instance, the transferred ADS values may differ from the expected values. Differences may occur if the time-continuous state variables are updated after the "output mapping", in order to obtain the shortest response time:

Task cycle time

Input mapping

Output update

Output mapping

State update

External mode processing

ADS access


Signal values transferred via ADS may differ from the values that were copied to other process images via "output mapping". The reason is that some values are overwritten in a state update. In other words: The transferred values are the result of the calculations within subordinate time steps of the solver that was used ("minor time steps"), while during "output mapping" the results of higher-level time steps are copied.
This also applies for data that are transferred via External Mode.