Automatic updating of objects in a TwinCAT project

During the engineering phase, changes are usually made several times in the Simulink® model, the model is built and then updated in the TwinCAT project. This process can be automated using the Deployment project parameter.
1. Enter the full path to the TwinCAT project (to the tsproj file) in the corresponding field.
Automatic updating of objects in a TwinCAT project 1:
2. Then build your Simulink® model as usual.
A new section appears in the log file, which provides information about the process of automatically updating the TwinCAT project.
Automatic updating of objects in a TwinCAT project 2:
During the update process in the addressed TwinCAT project, all existing TcCOM instances of the newly built Simulink® model are automatically updated. Where possible, all existing mapping and task assignments are retained.
3. Set the Activate and restart deployment project parameter to compile the TwinCAT project after updating the objects and activate it on the set TwinCAT target.
4. If you are working with the PLC-FB and/or the TcCOM-Wrapper-FB, set the version to “Newest version always” under the properties of the corresponding PLC library to update it automatically.
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