Module parameterization in the block diagram

To parameterize a TcCOM instance, the parameter window can be used directly in the block diagram. In addition, the Property table can be used, which can be expanded or collapsed on the right-hand edge of the block diagram. A basic distinction is made between different parameter values:

"Default", "Startup", "Online" and "Prepared"

The following value types can be found in the drop-down menu of the Property table of the block diagram:

Parameterization in the block diagram

Parameterizable blocks are marked with a yellow box in the block diagram.

Module parameterization in the block diagram  1:

Double-clicking on the block or a single click on the yellow box brings up a window with the parameters that can be changed.

Module parameterization in the block diagram  2:

If a value is changed, it can be applied with the following keyboard commands:

CTRL + Enter

Set online value directly

SHIFT + Enter

Set startup value


Set prepared value

The icons in the title bar have the following functions:

Module parameterization in the block diagram  3:

Close window

Module parameterization in the block diagram  4:

Keep window in the foreground across all block diagram hierarchical levels

Module parameterization in the block diagram  5:

Keep window open at the current block diagram hierarchical level

Module parameterization in the block diagram  6:

Minimize window to title bar