Try out created TwinCAT objects yourself

You don't have MATLAB® or simply want to try out compiled TwinCAT objects with the TwinCAT Target for Simulink®?
Then follow the description below.
1. Download ZIP
2. Unzip the ZIP and execute the tmx archive.
The zip contains two tmx-archive as executables.
3. Execute these.
This unpacks the TwinCAT objects into the correct TwinCAT path (Engineering Repository).
4. Open XAE and create instances.
You can now create new TcCOM objects in TwinCAT 3. You can find the two objects under “TE140x Module Vendor” – TE140x – Simulink Modules.
5. Create the instances and assign a TwinCAT task.
6. Activate the configuration.
7. Include the certificate used for signing in the trust list of the target.
The target system must load the tmx files used. These bear a signature, created with an OEM certificate. The OEM certificate used is probably not yet on the target system in the whitelist.
8. Add the certificate to the whitelist accordingly.
9. Activate the configuration.
After activating the configuration, you can observe the behavior of the objects and change parameters in the block diagram.
Try out created TwinCAT objects yourself 1:

Necessary installation on your engineering system:

TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026 Workloads

TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4024