Image display

In order to be able to display the images from the image acquisition, a new "Image" can be added via the context menu in the Scope Project or in any chart. You can also drag and drop an image acquisition from the data pool into a chart or the project.

Image display 1:

A project can contain any number of images; a chart can contain only one image.

Depending on the position of the image, the element consists of several displayed objects.

If the image is inserted under a chart, another time marker is displayed in the chart, which always shows the position of the current image. By moving the time marker, the currently displayed image can be changed. The current image is displayed behind the chart.

Image display 2:

If the image is under a Scope project, the displayed objects can be found in several places. Each chart contains a time marker, which marks the current time of the image. There is also another image view that can be docked next to the charts. The view only shows the data and information of the one image. For better recognition between the time markers in the charts and the image view, the image is outlined in the marker color.

Image display 3:

An overview of the entire record is also displayed above the current image in the film track control.

The control can be shown or hidden using the

Image display 4:

Film Track icon.

Within the film track, images of the recording are displayed above the time axis in two layers.

Images of the entire recording time are displayed in the layer at the back. Clicking on an image also makes the enlarged image move to the respective time, and the enlarged version of the clicked image is displayed.

The magnifier is displayed in the layer at the front. This is used for better and more accurate scrolling through the images. Use the mouse to drag the magnifier across the time bar to change the position of the current image. Additional images are displayed within the magnifier. The current image is displayed in the center, and the immediately preceding or following images are displayed to the right and left. By clicking on the images, the current image position moves to the next image. This allows you to scroll through the recording image by image. In addition to the images, the magnifier also shows the current position on the time bar.

In addition to the default marker settings, there are a several other settings:

Image display 5:


Adjust the color of the marker and the image control border.

Magnifier Color

Adjust the color of the magnifier in the image control.

Time Bar

Show or hide time information in the image control.

Tool Bar

Show or hide controls in the image control.

Image acquisition

Selection of the current image acquisition.