Export to databases

Data recorded with the TwinCAT Scope can be exported to a database with the help of the TwinCAT Database Server. There are two options.

  1. In the base version it is possible to export data to a csv in such a way that this csv can be reused as a database with the Database Server.
  2. The export of the data to SQL databases is possible with the Scope View Professional Version and a licensed TwinCAT Database Server.
Export to databases 1:
Export to databases 2:

Supported SQL databases

In principle, only databases that can execute a bulk command are supported for the export. Up to now, only a Microsoft SQL connection has been implemented with version 3.4.3142.0. Regarding support of other databases via a bulk command please contact Support.

Export to databases 3:

If you have chosen the second option, the TwinCAT Database Server must first be selected. This can also be located on a remote system. Subsequently, under the Database entry, select the database configured on the Database Server.

Export to databases 4:

As soon as you have selected a database, the tables existing there are also displayed under Tables. You can select an existing table and map variables specifically to the existing structure or define a completely new table for this export.

The assignment takes place on the next page, to which you will also gain access if you had selected Option 1, the DB csv Export. The table names and column names can also be edited on this page. This assignment can also be reset. The timestamp is explicitly listed as a dedicated channel in the scope configuration for this type of export.

Export to databases 5: