Export to csv

The export of data to a csv file enables the following individual settings to be made.

Export to csv 1:

Sort channels by sampletime:

Sort the exported channels in ascending order according to the sampling time. This reduces the file size as less placeholders for missing values have to be stored.

Scale values before export:

Convert the values with the scaling factor and offset configured on the channel.

Include EOF tag:

At the end of the file a row with the letters EOF is inserted to mark the end of the file.

Full Timestamp:

Saving the timestamps in filetime format. Otherwise, the timestamps are stored as millisecond intervals from the first data point of the export.

Include trigger info:

Saving the triggered trigger events.



A separate time column for each channel


No time columns

For each sampletime

Successive channels with the same sampling time share the time column



No interpolation of channels with lower sampling time

Shift value

Shifting values in channels with higher sampling time, so that values from the same timestamp are in one row.

Fill with previous value

Additional filling of the gaps with the previous value.

Marker Windows:

Either all, none, or only the selected marker tables can be included in the CSV.

Only included Channels:

Rows or columns of channels that are not included in the export are not exported with the marker tables.

Only included marker:

Rows or columns of markers whose timestamps are outside the exported range will not be exported with the marker tables.

On the second page, further settings can be made.

Export to csv 2:

CSV separator:

Selection of the separator between two columns. A custom character can be specified in the Custom field.

Array separator:

A different separator can be defined for channels with array values.

Decimal mark:

Selection of the decimal separator.

Header configuration:

There are several suggested configurations available for the header of the export. The Custom selection allows individual configuration of the head on the next page.

Export to csv 3: