Creating a measurement project

In the menu File > New select the command Project. In the dialog that opens select the category TwinCAT Measurement and the required template.

Creating a measurement project 1:

Available templates:

Empty Measurement project

Empty Measurement Project. Scope configurations (.sv2 | .tcscope | .tcscopex) or scope data (.svd | .svdx) can subsequently be inserted here.

Scope YT Project

Contains a Scope instance and a preconfigured YT chart with a corresponding axis.

Scope YT Project with Reporting

See "Scope YT Project"  + a ready-made printing template for printing charts.

Scope YT NC Project

Contains a Scope instance, which was specially preconfigured for working with drive axes. The template can easily be extended to the number of actually configured drive axes.

Scope XY Project

Contains a Scope instance and a preconfigured XY chart with a corresponding axis.

Scope XY Project with Reporting

See "Scope XY Project" + a ready-made printing template for printing charts.

Scope Array Bar Project

Contains a Scope instance and a preconfigured array bar chart with a corresponding axis.