
Array Bar Chart

The chart provides the drawing interface for an array data type, the elements of which are assigned to a bar line or a bar.


A (Y-) axis represents the value scaling for connected channels.


The channel forms the connection of system variable and graph. Therefore, there is one setting window for the acquisition and another one for the general settings (colors, marks etc.).


The cursor module serves to display graph and axis values and their differences.

Data Picker

Mouse pointer tool that is automatically activated in the chart when the cursor moves over a data point. Clicking brings up a tool tip showing the values of the X- and Y-axes, the channel name and the absolute time for the selected data point.


Marks are the actual data points of recorded variables. They can be adjusted via the channel properties.

Measurement project

The Measurement project may contain several Scope projects, in which the actual recording configurations are created.

Overview Chart

An Overview chart can be displayed within a YT chart. It provides an overview of the whole recording period with absolute times.

Quick View Chart

The Quick View chart is available in the Target Browser. It quickly and clearly indicates whether values are currently supplied.


The Scope forms the highest hierarchical element in a Scope configuration and manages all recording settings.

Scope Server

The Scope Server is the logger program of the TwinCAT Scope. A Scope connects itself to a server in order to record new data or to read an existing file (.svd).

Scope View

The Scope View is the front end of the TwinCAT Scope. From here configurations are created or loaded, the display adjusted and recordings controlled.

Solution Explorer

The Solution Explorer is a kind of project manager, which can also be used for the measurement projects that are required for a Scope recording.

Target Browser

All connected systems and their devices can be simply scanned for system variables with the target browser.


Various actions can be triggered with freely configurable trigger groups.

XY Chart

The chart provides a drawing area for a channel that is calculated from two variables. One variable is shown on the X-axis, the other one on the Y-axis.

YT Chart

The chart provides a graphic area with time axis. All connected channels are scaled to the same time segment.