Automatic comments
Trigger functions can be used to automatically insert comments into the comment window. To do this, you can set the Add Comment setting to True in the settings for the various trigger groups.
![Automatic comments 1:](Images/png/16369842827__Web.png)
Depending on the limit value defined in the trigger sets, a comment is automatically inserted in the comment window when the value is exceeded or not reached. The comment receives a timestamp as a link, a consecutive number for the number of triggers and a standard text. The standard text displays the variable name and indicates whether the corresponding limit value has been reached. The link helps with navigation in the chart. This makes it very easy to jump from event to event for which a comment has been created. The comment itself essentially marks the position in the data stream and therefore has a direct link to the data. You can manually add further specific information about the event to the comments afterwards or during the recording.
![Automatic comments 2:](Images/png/16369843339__Web.png)