XYZ Chart movement

XYZ Chart can be moved while holding down the left mouse button.

A distinction is made between two different movement types:

Orbital movement:

In case of orbital movement, the direction of view rotates around the marked central point when the mouse is moved. The distance to the central point can be changed via the mouse wheel.


The chart can be moved at the screen level by moving the mouse. The mouse wheel moves the chart depth.

Unlike orbital movement, displacement changes the relative position of the central point to the chart.


The ALT key is used to switch between the movement modes. When the ALT key is held down, "Shift" mode is active by default.

XYZ Chart movement 1:

The button marked in red can be used to invert the effect of the ALT key. In this way, movements are possible without a keyboard (e.g. on a touch screen).

Jump to a data point:

XYZ Chart movement 2:

The button marked in red activates the "Zoom to selected point" function. If a data point is clicked with the function active, the camera jumps to the selected data point and sets it as the central point. This makes it possible to look closely at the surroundings of a data point.


The current view can be reset to the default view by pressing the ESC key or by pressing the red "X" in the upper left corner.


With XYZ Chart it is possible to add several views to an animation and to run them automatically one after the other. The chart can be controlled using the buttons in the top left corner of the chart.

XYZ Chart movement 3:

Starts the animation

XYZ Chart movement 4:

Pauses the animation

XYZ Chart movement 5:

Adds the current view to the animation

XYZ Chart movement 6:

Deletes all views from the animation