There are two ways to transfer the filters in the form of coefficients to one or more terminals/channels (multi-download). You can transfer the filter by drag & drop or execute the Transfer Filter Set command via the context menu.

I/O 1:


In the simplest case, the filter coefficients are transferred to the measuring terminal by dragging the created filter onto the desired channel by drag & drop.

I/O 2:


Transfer of a single filter set (Enable Terminal Options = false)

Alternatively, a filter can be transferred via the Transfer Filter Set dialog.

I/O 3:

To do this, I/O and the target system must be selected with the appropriate NetId. Following the scan procedure, all existing measurement modules are displayed in a tree view. You can now select one or more channels and transfer the designed filter. In addition, the filters set in the terminal can be removed and also loaded to the Filter Designer.


Transfer of several filter sets (Enable Terminal Options = true)

It is possible to transfer several filter sets to different filter channels with the filter set property Enable Terminal Options.

I/O 4:

In this sample, four filter sets are marked with Terminal Filter = 1 and Terminal Channel from 1-4. Alternatively, the selection of the filter plot has the same effect, because all sub-members are then selected. In the Transfer Filter Set dialog, Channel1-Channel4 are selected under Filter1 for the ELM3004 terminal. A filter transfer leads to a transfer only taking place if the filter and channel numbers of the source (Filter Designer filter sets) and target (ELM terminal channel) correspond. This corresponds to the following four transfers:

  • Filter Set 1 Channel 1 -> ELM3004:Filter1:Channel1
  • Filter Set 1 Channel 2 -> ELM3004:Filter1:Channel2
  • Filter Set 1 Channel 3 -> ELM3004:Filter1:Channel3
  • Filter Set 1 Channel 4 -> ELM3004:Filter1:Channel4


  • The selected filter sets must have unique filter and channel numbers.
  • The selected filter channels in the Transfer Filter Set dialog may not have unique filter and channel numbers.
  • A filter transfer takes place if the filter and channel numbers of source and target correspond.