Commands in the context menu of the 'Standard Metrics' view

Right-click in the Standard Metrics view to open a context menu that offers several commands.

The context menu offers options for updating, printing or exporting the metrics table, or to copy to the clipboard. Via the context menu you can also navigate to a view for configuring the metrics – just like in the PLC project properties. In addition, you can generate a Kiviat diagram for the selected function blocks or open the block in the corresponding editor. A prerequisite for generating a Kiviat diagram is that at least three metrics are configured with a defined value range (lower and upper limit).


The following commands are available:

Commands in the context menu of the 'Standard Metrics' view 1:

Prerequisite for using a Kiviat diagram

At least three metrics with a define value range must be configured.

The following diagram shows an example for 3 metrics with defined ranges (the name of the metric is shown at the end of each axis, the name of the function block at the top right):

Commands in the context menu of the 'Standard Metrics' view 2: