Static analysis
During execution of the static analysis, compliance with the coding rules, naming conventions and forbidden symbols is checked. The following section provides a sample for each of these aspects.
1) Coding rules
In this sample some coding rules are configured as error. The violations of this coding rules are therefore reported as an error after the static analysis has been performed. Further information is shown in the following diagram.
![Static analysis 1:](Images/png/3480705547__en-US__Web.png)
2) Naming conventions
The following naming conventions are configured:
- Prefix "b" for variables of type BOOL (NC0003)
- Prefix "fb" for function block instances (NC0031)
- Prefix "FB_" for function blocks (NC0103)
- Prefix "I_" for interfaces (NC0108)
This naming conventions are not adhered to in the declaration of Boolean variables ("x"), the instantiation of function block ("f") and the declaration of the interface type ("ITF_"). These code positions are reported as an error after the static analysis has been performed.
![Static analysis 2:](Images/png/3701383307__en-US__Web.png)
3) Forbidden symbols
The bit string operator XOR and the bit shift-operators SHL, SHR, ROL and ROR are configured as forbidden symbols. These operators should not be used in the code.
Accordingly, any use of these operators is reported as an error after the static analysis has been performed.
![Static analysis 3:](Images/png/3701381387__Web.png)