Fault simulation

The following errors can be simulated using the EtherCAT simulation device:

Fault simulation 1:

Simulation of lost frames:

1. Change to the Fault Simulation tab on the EtherCAT Simulation Device
2. In the count of Frames input field, set the number of frames to be lost (if this is not limited, check infinitely instead).
3. Press the Start button
The simulation of lost frames starts
4. To stop the simulation press the Stop button

Simulation of Link Losts:

5. Change to the Fault Simulation tab on the EtherCAT Simulation Device
6. In the count of Frames input field, set the number of frames for which a link-lost error should be reported (if this is not limited, check infinitely instead).
7. In the Slave selection box, set the EtherCAT device for which the Lost Error link is to be reported
8. Press the Start button
The simulation of the link-lost error starts
9. To stop the simulation press the Stop button

Simulation of working counter errors:

10. Change to the Fault Simulation tab on the EtherCAT Simulation Device
11. In the count of Frames input field, set the number of frames for which a working counter error should be reported (if this is not limited, check infinitely instead).
12. In the Logical Address selection box, select the logical address that is to add an incorrect value to the working counter.
13. In the WC Value field, enter the new (absolute) value to be assigned to the working counter.
14. Press the Start button
The working counter fault simulation starts
15. To stop the simulation press the Stop button

See also the chapter Fault Simulation tab