Device configuration dialog

Dialog with device-specific settings.

Device configuration dialog 1:


Setting or function

Value range

Default value


UPS software version

UPS hardware/firmware

Battery Type (combo box)



Configures the used Beckhoff battery pack type.


Beckhoff P24Vxxxx UPS with a firmware version of 24.1.I or higher.

Battery Type (edit field)



Available only if "User-Defined" battery type is selected. The setting is necessary, for instance, to be able to calculate the remaining charge available under battery operation.


Beckhoff P24Vxxxx UPS with a firmware version of 24.1.I or higher.

Nominal Battery Capacity

0..99900 [mAh]


Available only if "User-Defined" battery type is selected.The setting is necessary, for instance, to be able to calculate the remaining charge available under battery operation.


Beckhoff P24Vxxxx UPS with a firmware version of 24.1.I or higher.

Internal Battery Resistance

0..999 [mOhm]


Available only if "User-Defined" battery type is selected.The setting is necessary, for instance, to be able to calculate the remaining charge available under battery operation.


Beckhoff P24Vxxxx UPS with a firmware version of 24.1.I or higher.

Battery replace service interval

0..480 [months]

60 (5 years)

and checkbox not enabled 

The user is able to enter/configure the battery replace service interval (number of months) before first warning is logged to Windows eventlog.


Use the checkbox to activate or deactivate the functionality. The functionality is only available if the battery change date and system time (in the task bar) is also set/configured.

The UPS service compares the configured battery change date to the configured service interval at service start. If battery replace date + service interval >= current system date => Windows Eventlog warning message will be logged.

The warning message do not reflects the real battery condition and can be used as reminder to check the real battery condition or battery age.


Beckhoff P24Vxxxx UPS.

Last service date: 01.01.11*



Shows the actual set battery replace/service date (last service on 1 January 2011).



Next service date: 01.01.16*



Shows the estimated next battery replace/service date (next service on 1 January 2016).



Reset service interval remainder...




Updates the record of the most recent battery change and resets the service interval remainder messages. The date is stored in the UPS's EEPROM, and can be examined in the UPS information dialog.


Only Beckhoff P24Vxxxx and a few APC devices.

update to: 25.05.12*



Shows the suggested service interval update date shown in the "Reset service interval" command dialog (25 May 2012).



Update firmware...



Starts a firmware update.

Beckhoff BAPI v1 with v3.0.0.25 or higher

Beckhoff P24Vxxxx with firmware version >= 21.1.I.
Beckhoff BAPI v1 with a firmware version >= 33.12-0.

Self test



Executes a self-test and displays the result:

  • "OK" - Test successful, the battery is OK;
  • "BT" - Failed because the battery capacity was insufficient, or because a battery is not even present;
  • "NG" - Failed as a result of overload;
  • "NA" - Test function does not exist;


Only Beckhoff P24Vxxxx and a few APC devices.

Factory Defaults



Restores the factory (default) settings. The default battery type setting is: C9900-U330. Please check your real battery type configuration.






Saves all settings and closes the dialog. Don't forgett to apply the changes at the Beckhoff UPS Configuration dialog too.






Discards all editable changes.



*) Example value.