Configuration of the Subscriber

Add a new Subscriber Box beneath the RT-Ethernet device.

Insert a Subscriber Box and connect to Publisher

Add a new Subscriber Box beneath the RT-Ethernet device.

Configuration of the Subscriber 1:

Configuration of the Subscriber 2:

Insert a Network Variable beneath the box.

Configuration of the Subscriber 3:

Configuration of the Subscriber 4:

The connection to the publisher network variable can be done automatically. Select the publisher computer and select a variable. Name and datatype information is given by the publisher.

Configuration of the Subscriber 5:

New inputs and outputs will appear beneath the network variable.

Configuration of the Subscriber 6:

FrameState and FrameCtrl show the state/control of the received Ethernet frames. Both variables are reserved and not supported on the subscriber side.

VarState and VarCtrl show the state/control of the received network variable. Both variables are reserved and not supported on the subscriber side.

Quality of Network variables

The quality of a network variable is shown on the subscriber side. Two inputs can be used. The variable quality shows a counter in 100µs resolution. The counter is incremented when the update of the variable is not in time. The sample shows the online quality variable after disconnection of the network plug for a while (counter is incremented) and plug in again (counter is zero).

Configuration of the Subscriber 7:

The CycleIndex variable is incremented with each publisher cycle.

Configuration of the Subscriber 8: