Operating Options from the Command Lines

When automatically installing an application program including the application-specific TwinCAT files, it is also desirable to automatically activate the System Manager configuration and to automatically start the TwinCAT system.

Command Line Usage

Operating Options from the Command Lines 1:

Specify complete TwinCAT System Manager EXE path, the *.wsm file name and path plus the switches described below on the command line and it will execute the following functions:

Supported switches:


Further details about commands are given under Control Elements - Main Menus.


TCatSysManager.exe [WSM Path [/SaveToRegistry [/StartTwinCAT]]]

Example 1:

F:\TwinCAT\IO\TCatSysManager.exe Test1.wsm /SaveToRegistry

The System Manager configuration Test1 should be loaded via the command line.

Example 2:

F:\TwinCAT\IO\TCatSysManager.exe Test1.wsm /SaveToRegistry /StartTwinCAT

The System Manager configuration Test1 should be loaded via the command line and the TwinCAT system started or respectively restarted.