The block sends a byte stream to a remote ADS device via ADS. The TwinCAT ADS Smtp service must be running on the remote ADS device, so that the byte stream can be received and processed into an e-mail. Once the byte stream has been processed the e-mail is sent.
sNetId : T_AmsNetID; (* AmsNetID *)
sSmtpServer : T_MaxString; (* Smtp Server addres (IP or Name)*)
sUsername : T_MaxString; (* Smtp Username *)
sPassword : T_MaxString; (* Smtp Password *)
nAuth : UDINT; (* Smtp Auth Type *)
sFrom : T_MaxString; (* Sender stzring *)
sTo : T_MaxString; (* To recipient string *)
sCc : T_MaxString; (* Cc recipient string *)
sBcc : T_MaxString; (* Bcc recipient string *)
sSubject : T_MaxString; (* Subject string *)
pMessage : DWORD; (* Pointer to the message *)
cbMessage : UDINT; (* Messagelenght in byte to send *)
sAttachments: ARRAY [0..32] OFSTRING;
bExecute : BOOL;
tTimeout : TIME := T#20s;
sNetId: AmsNetID on which the TwinCAT SMS server runs.
sSmtpServer: Name or IP of the Smtp server.
sUsername: Username for the Smtp Server.
sPassword: Password for the Smtp Server.
nAuth: Smtp Auth Type:
sFrom: A string containing the e-mail address of the sender. A sender must be specified. The string is limited to 255 characters.
sTo: A string containing the e-mail address of the recipient. Several addresses can be specified, separated by semicolon. At least one recipient has to be specified. The string is limited to 255 characters.
sCc: A string containing an e-mail address of a further recipient (cc=carbon copy). This string can also be empty. A copy of the e-mail is sent to this recipient. The e-mail address of this recipient is visible to other recipients. It is possible to enter multiple recipient addresses separated by semicolons. The string is limited to 255 characters.
sBcc: A string containing the e-mail address of a further recipient (Bcc = blind carbon copy). This string can also be empty. A copy of the e-mail is sent to this\these recipient\s. The e-mail address of this recipient is not visible to other recipients. It is possible to enter multiple recipient addresses separated by semicolons. The string is limited to 255 characters.
sSubject: A string containing the subject line for the e-mail. The e-mail may be sent without subject, in which case the name of the sending computer is automatically entered in the subject line (e.g. "Mail sent from: CX_00762C"). The string for the subject line is limited to 255 characters.
pMessage: The address (a pointer) to a null-terminated string containing the e-mail text. The e-mail may be sent without body text, in which case the date and time are entered automatically (e.g. "Mail sent at: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 02:31:44 -0800"). The address of the string can be determined with the ADR operator.
cbMessage: Length of the e-mail text. The length can be determined through the LEN operator.
bExecute: The function block is activated by a rising edge at this input.
sAttachments: Array containing filenames
tTimeout: Maximum time allowed for the execution of the command.
bBusy : BOOL;
bError : BOOL;
nErrId : UDINT;
bBusy: the output variable remains TRUE until the function block has executed a command, but only until tTimeOut has expired.
bError : the output variable is switched to TRUE as soon as an error occurs during the execution of the command. The command-specific error is contained in iErrorId.
nErrId: contains the command-specific error code of the most recently executed command (see table).
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Development environment | Target system type | PLC libraries to be linked |
TwinCAT v2.8.0 and above |
| TcSmtp.lib |