Since version 1.0.14 TC SMTP Server uses a XML-based configuration, which is located in the installation folder of the supplement. The default configuration is
<!-- EnableLogFile: 0 (Disabled), 1 (Enabled), 2 (Verbose) -->
<!-- LogSize: in Byte, 0 = use Default -->
<!-- Authentication: 0 (NONE), 1 (AUTO), 2 (LOGIN), 3 (NTLM), 4 (PLAIN) -->
<!-- Port: 0 (use default ports) -->
<!-- ContentEncoding: 0 (7BIT), 1 (8BIT), 2 (BINARY), 3 (BASE64), 4 (QUOTED_PRINTABLE) -->
<!-- Timeout for the socket connection -->
<!-- Charset for the message content -->
Things to know about the XML configuration file (from version 1.0.14)
EnableLogFile: enables logging. Please enable for diagnostic purposes only.
Authentication: selection of the authentication method.
Port: option 0 uses the default ports for sending mail.
ContentEncoding: defines the decoding of the content.
Timeout: timeout for sending mail in ms.
Charset: defines the character encoding.
Things to know about registry configuration (version < 1.0.14)
Enable log file:
The TwinCAT SMTP Server generates a log file under "\TwinCAT\SMS SMTP" if the following entry has been set in the registry.
Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Beckhoff\TwinCAT SMS / SMTP Server
DWORD: EnableLogFile = 1