Device control string syntax

The device-control string uses the syntax of the mode command. The string must have the same form as the mode command's command-line arguments. For further information on mode command syntax, refer to the end-user documentation for your operating system.


modecomm[:] [baud=b] [parity=p] [data=d] [stop=s] [to={on|off}] [xon={on|off}] [odsr={on|off}] [octs={on|off}] [dtr={on|off|hs}] [rts={on|off|hs|tg}] [idsr={on|off}]


com m[:]

Specifies the number of the port for asynchronous communications (COM).

baud= b

Specifies the transmission rate in bits per second. The following table lists valid abbreviations for b and its related baud rate.


parity= p

Specifies how the system uses the parity bit to check for transmission errors. The following table lists the valid values: p. The default value is e. Not all computers support the values m and s.


data= d

Specifies the number of data bits in a character. Valid values for d are in the range 5 to 8. The default value is 7. Not all computers support the values 5 and 6.

stop= s

Specifies the number of stop bits that define the end of a character: 1, 1.5 or 2. If the baud rate is 110, the default value is 2. Otherwise, the default value is 1. Not all computers support the value 1.5.


Specifies whether the endless timeout processing is on or off. The default value is off.


Specifies whether the xon or xoff protocol for data-flow control is on or off.


Specifies whether output handshaking that uses the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal is on or off.


Specifies whether output handshaking that uses the Clear To Send (CTS) signal is on or off.


Specifies whether the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal is on or off, or set to handshake.


Specifies whether the Request To Send (RTS) signal is set to on, off, handshake or toggle.


Specifies whether the DSR signal is used or not.

Things to know: