Dialog "Broadcast Search"

The Dialog 'Broadcast Search' helps to find TwinCAT target systems within the intranet and to select them.

Dialog "Broadcast Search" 1:
Figure 1: The Dialog 'Broadcast Search'



Broadcast Search

Searches for all TwinCAT Devices within the network and shows them in the listview.

Find target

Searches for a TwinCAT Device with a specific Name (HostName), AmsNetId or IPAddress.

Add route

Adds the selected target system as (remote) route to the local system (and vice versa).

Remove Route

Removes the selected target system from the local system (and vice versa).


Closes the dialog.

Table 1: Functions of the Dialog 'Broadcast search'

Dialog "Broadcast Search" 2:
Figure 2: Context menu of the Dialog 'Broadcast search'

Menu entry



Sends an immediate broadcast search message and aktualizes the list of target systems.


Pings the target system with a UDP-message. If the target is connected to the same subnet and is running, the Ping will succeed.


Pings the target system via ADS. In addition that the target is reachable via UDP, both systems must run a TwinCAT environment (in 'Run' or 'Config' mode) and both systems must refer each other via ADS Routes. This Context Menu Item is only active when the target system is assigned as local route.

Show target routes ...

Show the routes that are registered at the selected target (only if the target route is assigned to the local system)

Add route ...

dds the selected target system as (remote) route to the local system (and vice versa).

Remove route ...

Removes the selected target system from the local system (and vice versa).

Properties ...

Shows the properties of the selected target system.

Table 2: Context menu of the Dialog 'Broadcast search'