Analysis of a Scope View


Analysis of a Scope View 1:

Two cursors are available to TCatScopeView. The selection is made by way of the 'Cursor' properties page that is associated with the Scope View.

There are a number of ways of moving the cursor in Scope View.

Analysis of a Scope View 2:

If the cursor is to be moved by the mouse, the Scope View in which the cursor is located must first be selected. Next, the cursor button in the toolbar must be activated. The cursor can now be moved by pressing the left mouse button on the cursor and holding it down.

If the cursor is to be moved with the arrow keys, the cursor that is to be moved must first be selected in the properties page (click with the right mouse button). If that is done, the cursor can be moved with the arrow keys. If the cursor is moved in a vertical direction, the next interpolation point is always shown. In horizontal direction the cursor is always moved by one point.
With <Alt> and arrow the cursor is moved by 10 interpolation points.

The Y-values displayed in the cursor list describe either the intersection with the curve or the intersection with the horizontal cursor. The selection is made by means of the two buttons that are located at the top of the properties page.


Analysis of a Scope View 3:

In the X against Y display, only the cursor position is returned.


Zooming with the Mouse

Analysis of a Scope View 4:

As well as the cursor, TCatScopeView offers the option of zooming in to a part of the Scope View. First, the Scope View that is to be magnified must be selected. Then the zoom button must be activated in the toolbar. The mouse can then be used to mark the area that is to be magnified. The left mouse button must be held down for this purpose.

If the wrong area is accidentally marked, the right mouse button can also be pressed. This removes the selection.

Analysis of a Scope View 5:

To undo the zoom, it is possible either to press the zoom-out button in the toolbar, or to press the <O> key. It is necessary for the 'Cursor' properties page to be active for keyboard operation.

Zooming with the Cursor

In is not absolutely necessary to use the mouse to magnify a Scope View. The area that is to be magnified can be marked with the aid of the cursor. It is, however, necessary for this purpose that both cursors are displayed. Once the cursors have been brought to the desired position the <Z> key can be used to magnify the area framed by the cursors.

It is again, however, necessary for the 'Cursor' properties page to be active for this purpose.