Oversampling-records with Scope 2
With TwinCAT Scope 2 it is possible to display Oversamping-values in only one variable. Oversampling records n values (n = Oversampling-Factor) for every cycle, thats why the TwinCAT System Manager generates an ADS-Symbol which contains an own timestamp for every single value. If you connect on this ADS-Symbol with Scope 2, the Scope will make all further settings to display the n values in a chronologically correct order.
To generate the ADS-Symbol and to scope directly from an EtherCAT-terminal (e.g. EL3702 or EL3632), some settings need to be done in the TwinCAT System Manager configuration:
1. In the tab ADS in the EtherCAT process image the ADS-Server needs to be activated. Furthermore the option "Create symbols" needs to be activated. The assigned ADS-Port needs to named later on in the Scope 2 to find the ADS-Symbols..
2. According to the Oversampling terminal the desired Oversampling-Factor should be set in the TwinCAT System Manager, before the configuration can be activated.
3. When the configuration has loaded sucessfully and TwinCAT is in the Run-Mode, you can switch into TwinCAT Scope 2. In the Target Browser of the Scope you need to select the Server Settings Dialog. In this Dialog you need to enter the ADS-Portnumber from the TwinCAT System Manager and add the number with the Add-Button, provided that the Port has not been entered before.
4. Now AdsPort of Image 1 (27905) should appear in the TwinCAT Scope 2 Target Browser. With this new entry you can browse into the EtherCAT terminals and also into the Oversampling- terminal. In the Oversampling-terminal the red marked variable with the addition [T20] (in this case 20 stands for 20-times Oversampling, this number can vary according to the Oversampling-Factor) for the Scope-record should be selected.
The INT16 variable can now directly be recorded in TwinCAT Scope 2. In the following screenshot 20-times Oversampling at 1ms cycle time.