To insert channels
The Target Browser is an elementary part of the Scope View 2. In the Target Browser your registered routes of the TwinCAT System Manager are displayed. At the colouring you can already note the state of each device. Red means that the device is not connected or that TwinCAT is in the Stop mode. Blue shows that TwinCAT is in the configuration mode and green signalises a running system.
If a device is in the running mode you can browse up to the basic data typ in the data structure of each port or tasks. There you can choose your channels per multiselect as shown in the picture below and per right click you can execute the command "To Channel".
Now you will notice that a structure with Scope, Chart, Axis and the selected channels is applied automatically. A colour is assigned automatically to every channel which can be edited.
You also have the possibility to include these objects manually. This is possible with the buttons in the Toolbar and you can insert new objects into an existing Scope per right click on the object symbol. This is shown in the following screenshot.