Acquisiton Window

To configure channel address settings open the Acquisition window. The active channel is selectable in the drop-down field on the top.

Acquisiton Window 1:


Select the target system from the list of connected routes.

Specify the port on the target in the second list.


The maximum sample time of the record must be smaller or equal to the task time the channel is connected to. Use the free sample option to edit a larger one.

The local server checkbox connects a target server with the local one.

The symbol based option should be used if a channel symbol name is known. Otherwise the symbol connection can be edit in the following fields.

Array Settings

This field is only visible if the connected symbol is of type array. The length shows the number of elements.

Use the 'Force Oversampling' option to show the elements as oversampled datapoints. E.g. an array of length 10, sampled with 10ms is displayed as a signal with 1ms sample-time.

Symbol Information

If the appropriate channel is symbol-based the full symbol name appears or can be added in the name field. In this case the following fields are edited automatically and the symbol based option is checked.

The data-type fields sets the type of the connected channel. The size field is filled in dependence.

If a comment exists for a symbol-based channel it is displayed in the Comment field.

Symbol Connect

The IndexGroup and IndexOffset define the position of the signal in the task. They are editable in hex or decimal format.

The Size field shows the size of the variable in Bytes. It depends on the data-type and can not be edited.

Change All

Some parameters are normally used for a group of channels. So it is possible to change those properties using the context-menu for a Scope, Chart or Axis. Depending on the selected value to be changed a dialog appears to set the change for all channels located under the selected element.

Acquisiton Window 2: