Beckhoff Communication

Beckhoff Communication 1:

The macro forms the basis for the communication between Beckhoff and Crestron via the Crestron controller. It receives read/write commands from Beckhoff via TCP/IP and converts them to signals Crestron can understand. In addition, Crestron signals are transformed such that the TwinCAT Crestron server can process them. Furthermore, the macro cyclically reads the AdsState of the TwinCAT device (see FAQ).

The macro can handle up to 100 signals.


Command_Req        :  SERIAL;
TcpIp_Rx           :  SERIAL;
TcpIp_Connect      :  DIGITAL;
Buffer_Rx[1..100]  :  ANALOG;

Command_Req: Signal from the individual write and read blocks. This signal contains the ADS command that is transferred to the TCP/IP client.

TcpIp_Rx: This signal is connected with the Rx-Output of the TCP/IP client.

TcpIp_Connect: The block establishes the connection as long as this input is "high".

Buffer_Rx[1..100]: Data with external read access.


Command_Res         :  SERIAL;
TcpIp_Tx            :  SERIAL;
TwinCATDeviceState  :  ANALOG;
Buffer_Tx[1..100]   :  ANALOG;

Command_Res: Feedback signal for transfer to the individual write and read blocks.

TcpIp_Tx: This signal is connected with the Tx-Input of the TCP/IP client.

TwinCATDeviceState: This analog signal contains the AdsSate of TwinCAT PLC.

Buffer_Tx[1..100]: Data with external write access.

Development environment

Target platform

MP2E V4.001.1012 (Feb 17 2009) Build 7

2 -Series with network interface