Configuration example for ADS server/client communication.
In the TwinCAT System Manager select the local target system for the server. Right-click on "I/O devices" under "I/O configuration" to insert a new device. In the window that opens you can select "Real-Time Ethernet" device under Ethernet.

Before confirming your selection with OK, you can allocate a new name to the device at the bottom of the window. After confirmation select the appropriate network card, as shown in the next image.
Activate the "Enable Routing" checkbox in the "Routes" tab of new device. The NetID of the added RT Ethernet device is automatically entered in the associated field.
In the next step you can enter the NetID of a client under Route, and under "Add" you can add the NetID to other NetIDs with which the server can then communicate.
The same settings apply to the clients as for the server, except that the NetID of the server must be specified under "Routes" in the real-time Ethernet device.