Diagnosis alarms can be read out using this function block. Each instance of this function block makes a PLC input available (“PnIoBoxDiag”). This input must be linked to the “PnIoBoxDiag” input of the device that is to be evaluated. After successful reading of the diagnosis alarms/warnings, the alarm status of the device is reset. The function block must be called once for each PROFINET device. A running index (iNrAlarms) indicates how many diagnosis alarms have been read from the buffer.
bEnable : BOOL;
NETID : T_AmsNetId;(* AMS Net ID from Controller *)
PORT : T_AmsPort; (* Port used by Controller to communicate with Device *)
bEnable : Activation of the function block
NETID : AMS Net ID of the controller
PORT : Port via which the controller communicates with the device (port = Device ID + 1000hex)
bBusy : BOOL;
stAlarmDiagData : ST_PN_AlarmDiagData;
bError : BOOL;
iErrorID : UDINT;
iNrAlarms : INT;
bBusy : When the function block is activated this output is set. It remains set until a feedback is received. While Busy = TRUE, no new command will be accepted at the inputs.
stAlarmDiagData : Diagnosis messages are output via this structure. An alarm is output via the structure in each cycle as long as the status bit [0x0010 = at least one AlarmCR got a diagnosis alarm] is present at the PLC input.
bError : If an error should occur during the transmission of the command, this output is set after the bBusy output has been reset.
iErrorID : Supplies an ADS error number when the output bError is set.
iNrAlarms : Number of alarms last read out.
PnIoBoxDiag AT %I* : WORD; (*Hardware Input*)
PnIoBoxDiag : Hardware input: this variable must be linked to the PROFINET device. A change of state of this variable indicates to the PLC program that there are new diagnosis alarms in the linked PROFINET device.
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to be linked |
TwinCAT v2.11.0 R3 | PC or CX (x86, ARM) | TcProfinetDiag.Lib |