The temperature controller function block FB_CTRL_TempController has various inputs and outputs, which are described below. All the controller's parameters are passed to it via structures. The structures and enums are defined here.
Function block
eCtrlMode : E_CTRL_MODE; (* controller mode: passive, activ,check *)
bSelSetpoint : BOOL; (* FALSE = setpoint 1, TRUE = setpoint 2*)
fW1 : FLOAT; (* first setpoint *)
fW2 : FLOAT; (* second setpoint *)
fX : FLOAT; (* actual value *)
fYManual : FLOAT; (* manual control value *)
(* alarming inputs *)
bOpenThermocouple : BOOL; (* thermocouple *)
bReverseThermocouple : BOOL;
bBackVoltage : BOOL;
bLeakage : BOOL; (* heating system *)
bShortCircuit : BOOL;
bOpenCircuit : BOOL;
sParaControllerExternal : ST_CTRL_ParaController; (* external controller parameter set *)
sControllerParameter : ST_CTRL_TempCtrlParameter; (* controller
parameter set *)
(* control output *)
fYAnalog : FLOAT; (* control value analog *)
bYPWMPos : BOOL; (* control value PWM *)
bYPWMNeg : BOOL; (* control value PWM *)
bYDigPos : BOOL; (* 3-Point: control value digital positive*)
bYDigNeg : BOOL; (* 3-Point: control value digital negative*)
(* alarming *)
dwAlarm : DWORD; (* max. 32 alarms *)
(*quality of control*)
fMaxOverShoot : FLOAT;
tStartUpTime : TIME;
(* state *)
(* controller parameter *)
sParaControllerInternal : ST_CTRL_ParaController;
(* general errors *)
bError : BOOL;
eErrorId : E_CTRL_ErrorCodes;
Name | Unit | Value range | Description |
| 1 | E_CTRL_MODE | Mode switching. |
| 1 | [TRUE,FALSE] | Selects one of two possible setpoints. FALSE selects the normal setpoint, while TRUE selects the standby setpoint. |
| °C | LREAL | Setpoint. |
| °C | LREAL | Standby setpoint, generally smaller than fW1. fSelSetpoint can be used to switch between fW1 and fW2. |
| °C | LREAL | Actual value. This value must be converted to LREAL. |
| -100% - +100% | LREAL | Control value in manual operation. |
| 1 | [TRUE,FALSE] | The thermocouple is open if TRUE. Must be indicated by the hardware (e.g. KLxxxx). |
| 1 | [TRUE,FALSE] | TRUE indicates that the thermocouple has been connected with the wrong polarity. Must be indicated by the hardware. |
| 1 | [TRUE,FALSE] | TRUE indicates that the input voltage at the thermocouple is too high. Must be indicated by the hardware. |
| 1 | [TRUE,FALSE] | TRUE indicates that leakage current has been detected at the heating element. Must be indicated by the hardware. |
| 1 | [TRUE,FALSE] | TRUE indicates that a short circuit has been detected at the heating element. Must be indicated by the hardware. |
| 1 | [TRUE,FALSE] | TRUE indicates that an open circuit has been detected at the heating element. Must be indicated by the hardware. |
| none | Structure | General parameters (sampling time etc.) are passed to the function block in this structure. |
| none | Structure | An external controller parameter set is passed to the function block in this structure. |
Name | Unit | Value range | Description |
| none | LREAL | Analog control value. |
| none | [TRUE,FALSE] | Boolean output, pulse width modulated. Positive/heating mode |
| none | [TRUE,FALSE] | Boolean output, pulse width modulated. Negative/cooling mode |
| none | [TRUE,FALSE] | Boolean output of a three-step controller (TRUE control value 100%, FALSE control value off) |
| none | [TRUE,FALSE] | Boolean output of a three-step controller (TRUE control value -100%, FALSE control value off) |
| none | DWORD | Alarm messages (see ENUM ...) |
| °C | LREAL | max. overshoot in °C above/below setpoint. |
| TIME | - | Startup time until the setpoint is reached for the first time. |
| none | E_CTRL_STATE | Current controller state (see ENUM ...) |
| none | Structure | In this structure the internal controller parameter set (determined by the tuning) is made available. |
| none | [TRUE,FALSE] | If an error is present, then bError is TRUE. |
| none | INT | If bError is TRUE, then iErrorId provides an error code (see ENUM ...) |