
FB_CP66xxTemperatureSensor 1:

This functional block serves the purpose of delivering the temperature value in degree Celsius (°C) measured by temperature sensors PT100, PT1000 or NI1000 connected to the Building Automation control panel PC CP6608. The temperature sensor is connected directly to the 12 pole I/O connector available on the control panel exterior. The temperature value supported is -50°C to 200°C only.

Insert the device named 'CP PC (CP6608)'  under I/O Devices.

FB_CP66xxTemperatureSensor 2:

Further on, the variable 'Analog Input 1'  is to be mapped to the PLC input variable.

FB_CP66xxTemperatureSensor 3:

FUNCTION BLOCK FB_CP66xxTemperatureSensor


    uiRawValue         : UINT;
   eSensorType         : E_SensorType;
   rTemperatureOffset  : REAL; 

uiRawValue                  : Analog Input 1 read from System Manager device CP PC(CP6608) is assigned to this variable.

eSensorType               : Enum, including the sensor types supported.

TYPE E_SensorType :
    eSensorType_PT100        := 0,
    eSensorType_PT1000       := 1,
    eSensorType_Ni1000TK     := 2,
    eSensorType_Ni1000DIN    := 3

rTemperatureOffset    : Offset due to cable impedance or temperature offset can be given here.            


    rTemperature        : REAL;
   bErrorBrokenSensor   : BOOL;
   bErrorOverRange      : BOOL;
   bErrorUnderRange     : BOOL;

rTemperture                        : The Temperature value calculated is shown here.

bErrorBrokenSensor         : In case of broken sensor, short circuit or open circuit, error message is delivered.

bErrorOverRange               : This variable is set to TRUE if rTemperature variable is greater than 200°C.

bErrorUnderRange            : This variable is set to TRUE if rTemperature variable is less than -50°C.


Development environment

Target platform

PLC Libraries to include

TwinCAT v2.10.0

CP6608 (ARM)
