AXSCOM (axis section compensation)
This block is needed if a moving axis (master or slave) is to catch up or to fall back a specifiable distance over a given travel region. This is implemented by means of an increase or reduction of the speed for a limited period calculated by the axis positioning software. The COMP_OFF input has highier priority as the COMP_ON input. If a rising edge is presented to both the 'COMP_OFF' and 'COMP_ON' inputs at the same time, the compensation off command will be sent to the axis.
The block has the following inputs:
Input | Data type | Description |
AXID | INT | Axis ID |
MODE | UDINT | Compensation mode – see below |
ACCP | LREAL | Max. acceleration |
ACCM | LREAL | Max. deceleration |
VDELTA | LREAL | Max. permitted change in speed |
VPROC | LREAL | Base speed for the process |
COMPVAL | LREAL | Compensation value to be caught up or dropped back |
COMPDIST | LREAL | Compensation section available for the task |
COMP_ON | BOOL | Compensation on |
COMP_OFF | BOOL | Compensation off |
TMOUT | TIME | ADS Timeout-Delay |
Output | Data type | Description |
BUSY | BOOL | This output remains TRUE until the block has executed a command, but at the longest for the duration supplied to the ‘Timeout’ input. While Busy = TRUE, no new command will be accepted at the inputs. Please note that it is not the execution of the service but its acceptance whose time is monitored. |
ERR | BOOL | This output is switched to TRUE if an error occurs during the execution of a command. The command-specific error code is contained in ‘ErrorId’. If the block has a timeout error, ‘Error’ is TRUE and ‘ErrorId’ is 1861 (hexadecimal 0x745). Is reset to FALSE by the execution of a command at the inputs. |
ERRID | UDINT | Contains the command-specific error code of the most recently executed command. Is reset to 0 by the execution of an instruction at the inputs. The error numbers in ErrId can be consulted in the ADS error documentation |
Define | Compensation profile |
1 | Trapezoidal speed profile |
Warning: If the compensation cannot be fully executed within the required parameters, the start command is answered with the NC error code "0x4243". This response should be looked on as merely a warning since the compensation will still be carried out as far as may be possible within the specified limits.
Development environment | Target system type | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v2.7.0 | PC (i386) | PlcNc.Lib |
TwinCAT v2.8.0 | PC (i386) | TcNC.Lib |