This function block is for the general sending of an SMI command. The precise structure of an SMI command and the functioning of the KL6831/KL6841 must be known for this. The use of this function block is necessary only if an SMI command is to be sent that is not covered by the other PLC function blocks.
bStart : BOOL;
dwAddr : DWORD := 0;
eAddrType : E_SMIAddrType := eSMIAddrTypeAddress;
dwAddrOption : DWORD := 0;
eCommandPriority : E_SMICommandPriority := eSMICommandPriorityMiddle;
eCommandType : E_SMICommandType := eSMICommandTypeWrite;
eResponseFormat : E_SMIResponseFormat := eSMIResponseFormatDiagnosis;
arrIdentificationBytes : ARRAY [0..2] OF BYTE;
arrParameters : ARRAY [0..2] OF DWORD;
bSuppressResponseBuffer : BOOL := FALSE;
dwOptions : DWORD := 0;
bStart: the block is activated by a positive edge at this input.
dwAddr: manufacturer code (0-15), address of a device (0-15), bit field (16 bits) for the group addressing or slave ID (32-bit key ID). This input has no meaning if a collective call (broadcast) is sent.
eAddrType: defines whether the dwAddr input is to be evaluated as a manufacturer code, the address of a device, for group addressing or as a slave ID.
dwAddrOption: if the SMI device is addressed by slave ID (eAddrType = eSMIAddrTypeSlaveId), then the manufacturer code must be specified via this input.
eCommandPriority: priority (high, medium or low) with which the command is processed by the PLC library.
eCommandType: type of command: write/read. This parameter affects bit 5 of the start byte of the SMI telegram.
eResponseFormat: response format: diagnostic special format/standard. This parameter affects bit 6 of the start byte of the SMI telegram.
arrIdentificationBytes: an SMI telegram can consist of up to 3 blocks. Each block possesses an identifier byte. The three identifier bytes are defined by this array.
arrParameters: an SMI telegram can consist of up to 3 blocks. Each block possesses up to four value bytes. The value bytes of the individual blocks are defined by this array.
bSuppressResponseBuffer: if this input is set to TRUE the internal software buffer is not filled with the responses from the FB_KL6831KL6841Communication() block.
dwOptions: reserved for future expansions.
bBusy : BOOL;
bError : BOOL;
udiErrorId : UDINT;
arrResponseData : ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE;
byResponseDataLength : BYTE;
byResponseIdentificationByte : BYTE;
bBusy: when the block is activated the output is set, and it remains active until execution of the command has been completed.
bError: this output is switched to TRUE as soon as an error occurs during the execution of a command. The command-specific error code is contained in udiErrorId. The output is again set to FALSE by the reactivation of the function block via the bStart input.
udiErrorId: contains the command-specific error code of the most recently executed command. It is set back to 0 by the reactivation of the function block via the bStart input. See Error codes.
arrResponseData: the data received from the SMI devices.
byResponseDataLength: the length of the data received in bytes.
byResponseIdentificationByte: the identifier byte received.
stCommandBuffer : ST_SMICommandBuffer;
stCommandBuffer: reference to the structure for communication (buffer) with the FB_KL6831KL6841Communication() block.
Development environment | Target system | Required libraries |
TwinCAT 2.11 R3/x64 from build 2238 | PC/CX, BX or BC | TcSMI library from V1.0.0 |